MEDIA RELEASE: Meeting regarding Bangladeshi and Palestinian students

The MUNSU executive met with the Internationalization Office on July 25 to discuss supports for students impacted by recent violence.

The concerns of Bangladeshi students were discussed, and the Internationalization Office had heard many of the same concerns. However, they were not able to provide solutions to many of these problems, as they must be decided upon by upper administration.

It was made extremely clear by student representatives that the lack of information from the university was not acceptable, as this is a very time-sensitive issue for students.

MUNSU representatives were also shocked to hear that the Internationalization Office had not heard anything whatsoever about increased financial aid or bursaries for Palestinian students, despite administration committing to this over 6 weeks ago and multiple times since then.

“Memorial will explore, with student and faculty collaboration, bursaries and other additional supports for Palestinian students.” (Memo, June 14)

“establishing, in consultation and collaboration with students and employees, a bursary program to support at-risk students” (Gazette article, July 5)

“[the university’s support] includes working to establish a bursary program to support at-risk students” (Response to MHA James Dinn, July 24)

MUNSU has also not been contacted to begin the process of collaboration.

MUNSU calls on Memorial University admin to:

  • Immediately allow any student from Bangladesh, Palestine, or any other region experiencing extreme violence to register for courses regardless of any outstanding balance on their account

  • Take action on the promise made to support Palestinian students through bursaries

  • Create policy that accounts for international students who have financial difficulties due to violence in their home countries, so that students aren't left waiting for these answers for several weeks

  • Immediately consult students affected to address their additional needs when situations like this arise


MEDIA RELEASE: Palestinian supports


Bangladesh Solidarity Statement