
MUNSU currently has ten standing committees. Most committees are open to any undergraduate student as a union member, and each committee meets regularly to address agenda items related to their individual mandate. Every Board member is expected to sit on at least two committees and the quorum for these meetings is either three Board members in the Spring Semester, five Board members in the Winter/Fall semester, or 50% of Board members on the committee + 1.

If you have any questions, email

If you would like to access the meeting minutes for any of the committees please email & the chair of the respective committee.

Advocacy Committee

chaired by Devon Budden, Director of Advocacy

The Advocacy Committee has the critical responsibility of ensuring that students have a voice in all university decisions.

This includes:

  • ensuring that student representation is present on all committees and decision-making bodies

  • undertaking initiatives and campaigns to improve the academic well-being of students

  • overseeing the appointment of student representatives for Senate and Board of Regents positions

Campaigns and Actions Committee

chaired by several members of the Board of Directors

The Campaigns and Actions Committee oversees all MUNSU campaigns and is instrumental in organizing protests and actions.

This includes:

  • organizing campaigns to improve accessibility to post-secondary education

  • defending the rights of students both on and off-campus

  • identifying and addressing issues of concern to students as members of the wider community

Student Life and Funding Committee

chaired by Brittney Meaney, Director of Student Life

The Student Life and funding Committee enhances the quality of student life by promoting engagement, organizing events, and providing funding and grants to students and groups.

This includes:

  • overseeing the membership structures of the Students' Union, including clubs, societies, and Resource Centres

  • administering grants and funding to members and membership structures

  • coordinating membership-wide events such as Winter Carnival and Welcome Weeks

Finance and Services Committee

chaired by Mahbub Alam, Director of Finance and Services

The Finance and Services Committee manages the financial affairs of the Students' Union and ensures the quality of services provided to members.

This includes:

  • reviewing current services and developing proposals for new ones, as well as implementing and promoting MUNSU and CFS services

  • soliciting membership feedback on MUNSU and CFS services

  • handling health and dental plan appeals

  • developing and presenting the annual budget for ratification by the Board and membership, and proposing budget revisions when necessary

  • regularly reviewing the finances of the Students' Union to ensure budget compliance

  • developing initiatives and programming that enhance the accessibility, inclusivity, and community engagement of the Breezeway

Membership Engagement Committee

chaired by Nicolas Keough, Director of External Affairs, Communications, and Research

The Membership Engagement Committee promotes the initiatives and services of the Students' Union to both its members and the wider community.

This includes:

  • overseeing and enhancing promotional initiatives and communications of the Students' Union, both internally and externally

  • working to engage the members of the Students' Union in MUNSU initiatives and services.

Hiring Committee

chaired by Mahbub Alam, Director of Finance and Services

The Hiring Committee ensures that the employment needs of the Students' Union are met by recruiting, interviewing, and hiring qualified candidates for available positions. This committee only meets as needed.

This includes:

  • advertising vacant employment positions with the Students' Union

  • interviewing candidates for all employment positions (excluding bargaining unit positions)

  • periodically reviewing the Students' Union Employment Policy and proposing revisions as necessary

  • familiarizing themselves and the workplace with up-to-date labour policies and legislation

Women and Marginalized Genders Committee

chaired by Keona Russell, Women and Marginalized Genders Rep

The Women and Marginalized Genders Committee promotes gender equity and aims to address issues related to gender-based barriers to full participation in university life, as well as ensure that the needs and concerns of women and gender-diverse students are being addressed within the Union's work.

This includes:

  • identifying gendered barriers to students’ full participation in university life and developing strategies to address them

  • advancing women's equity in the University community

  • ensuring that the specific needs and concerns of women and students of marginalized genders are being addressed in all of the work undertaken by the Union

  • allowing membership for all members of the Students' Union who self-identify as women or gender-diverse

Elections Committee

chaired by the Chief Returning Officer or a designate

The Elections Committee ensures fair, efficient, and successful elections and referenda of the Students’ Union by overseeing the entire process and handling any issues or appeals that may arise. This committee only meets as needed.

This includes:

  • conducting hiring processes for elections staff

  • supervising and assist in the implementation of all elections and referenda of the Students’ Union

  • handling appeals from candidates or referendum teams

  • reviewing any issues arising from elections or referenda and bring issues or proposed revisions to existing policies to the Board

  • periodically reviewing the efficacy of elections and referenda processes and recommend revisions wherever appropriate

Policy Review Committee

chaired by Nicolas Keough, Director of External Affairs, Communications, and Research

The Policy Review Committee ensures that the policies and bylaws of the Students’ Union are up-to-date, effective, and aligned with the values and principles of the organization.

This includes:

  • facilitating the review of proposals for adding new policies, updating/amending policies, and deleting policies, as per the Policy Review Procedures

  • archiving policies rendered redundant due to legal or other changes

  • reviewing proposals for bylaw changes, as necessary and desirable, following a similar approach to the Policy Review Procedures in terms of soliciting feedback wherever possible and engaging with the membership

  • periodically reviewing the efficacy of the Constitution and Bylaws, and proposing revisions as necessary

  • coordinating yearly review of MUNSU Policy Manual