MEDIA RELEASE: MUNSU removed from convocation

In the last few weeks, MUNL administration has masqueraded as ‘firm supporters of the right to student protest’. Students have been dismissed and belittled with assurances that while your administration is in support of funding genocide, they feel students should be satisfied with the university’s alleged commitment to upholding the right to protest.

On Friday, MUNSU elected student representatives were removed from participation in Spring Convocation. MUNSU representatives have attended hundreds of convocation ceremonies over the years, standing alongside our student members to celebrate their success. MUN leadership utilized Campus Enforcement Patrol to dismiss and prevent students from entering student spaces to allow their administration to sit in comfort with their inaction. 

Students have been protesting Memorial’s continued support of the Genocide in Palestine via encampment since May 21, and have been met with overwhelming support from the student body, as well as the broader community. Throughout the convocation ceremonies, students coordinated multiple peaceful protests, including distributing of flags to graduates, peaceful student gatherings, and the on stage display of signage criticizing the university’s commitment to funding the Israeli occupation and weapons manufacturers.

This week Dr. Bose laughably encouraged graduates to use their power to support minorities, speaking from his podium of power as the University President as he refuses to pull Memorial University’s support from active violence, genocide and silencing of minority voices. 

Memorial University should be ashamed.

Shame on every individual at Memorial University of Newfoundland holding a position of power who refuses to use their voice as the world watches genocide unfold. Your commitment to violence will be remembered by this university and by history. 

MUNSU stands with Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students who have been disrespected and abandoned by their university administration. Students are committing to continue their encampment until MUNL administration agrees to negotiate in good faith and come to an agreement, and MUNSU will continue to support them and defend their right to protest.

MUNSU can be reached for comment via or via (709) 330-6941.


MEDIA RELEASE: Pro-Palestinian students arrested


MEDIA RELEASE: Divestment Meeting with Admin